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As each infant is on his or her own schedule, the Infant Room is the least structured of all classrooms at Little Red Schoolhouse. We partner with parents to focus on your child’s individual schedule and the goals we set together. Through activities like reading, singing and even talking with your child during feedings and diapering, we assist with language acquisition and development. A variety of age-appropriate toys, games, and music help stimulate development while the teacher’s provide nurturing, personal care that builds trust and self-esteem. Stimulating activities and group interactions encourage your child to play and explore, generating interest and curiosity as your child becomes a toddler. While many child care centers move children out of the Infant Room and into the Toddler Room on their first birthday, we take an individual approach and move children when they are ready; when they demonstrate the need for more challenging activities, when the child is walking confidently, and when they have adjusted their own schedule to one nap per day. Open communication between parents and caregivers is our goal. In addition to speaking with a teacher at drop off and pick up, you will take home a daily “report card” that will give you a glimpse of your child’s day.
Toddlers make great developmental strides, both physical and intellectually. This is the age where we really begin to see communication develop and relationships start to become an important part of your little one’s life. As children move to the Toddler Room, they begin a more structured day at LRS. The Toddler staff creates lesson plans that are both developmentally appropriate and stimulating for your child. Through exciting activities, a variety of learning experiences are provided to help develop your child’s confidence, self-esteem and love of learning. Children begin to spend time in planned learning areas that focus on dramatic play, creative arts, language development. and sensory exploration. Outdoor play is an exceptionally important part of your child’s development; we head outdoors to our nature-rich play areas at least twice per day (weather permitting). You will still continue to receive daily reports, but will also have an opportunity to read the daily information board outside your child’s classroom; this is where you will find detailed information each day on activities the class completed together.
Early Preschool Room
After your child’s second birthday, he/she will move to the Early Preschool Room. This classroom prepares your child for the structure of the Preschool Room. While developmentally appropriate academics (colors, shapes, letters, numbers, etc) are important and worked on throughout the year in this classroom, the most important skills gained in the Early Preschool Room are social skills. Strengthening social skills helps your child become an integral part of the classroom environment; speaking in front of peers begins in this classroom to teach children the importance of listening to and learning from their classmates. The Early Preschool teachers strive to maintain a balance of experiences including group time, discovery time, teacher-directed and child-directed activities. To help your child gain the independence that they are working towards, routines (meals, rest time, bathroom breaks, and outdoor time) are a fundamental part of the environment in the Early Preschool Room. Children in the Early Preschool Room, with the guidance of their nurturing teachers, continue to strengthen their self esteem, foster their creativity, and grow with their love of learning.
Preschool Classroom
The intent of the 3-5 year old classroom is to prepare the children for kindergarten by providing skills that will guide them toward future academic success. This is accomplished by exposing the children to:
- early language and literacy skills through books, songs, rhymes, and poems
- hands-on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) activities
- developmentally appropriate pre-writing activities
- activities to strengthen large and small motor development
- creative outlets such as art, music, and movement
- activities to strengthen essential social skills like listening, using manners, cooperation, and sharing
In a short time, your child will walk into his or her classroom like it is their own room at home. Children often head straight to a waiting friend or favorite activity to start their day. They have numerous opportunities to self-select exciting activities that are developmentally appropriate, yet challenging. Children will socialize with friends and experience new activities. Teachers split into smaller groups to capitalize on the child’s own level of learning. Children are often engaged in lively conversations relating to the curriculum that they are learning about. They get involved in activities that improve coordination and learn complex games that help both their body and mind. It is an exciting and stimulating environment that your child will thrive in.
Preschoolers, like all LRS children, love our unique outdoor learning environments. Of course free play is a favorite, but we also use out outdoor acreage to learn about science, explore nature, practice movement activities, play group games, and just be kids.
Even meals and snack times are wonderful learning experience in the Preschool Room. Sharing meals is an excellent time for the children to practice their manners, discuss the exciting events of the day, and learn more about friends. The children experiment with pouring their own milk and serving themselves food. Enjoying this social time not only builds self esteem, but allows the child to learn the importance of sharing with their classmates.
School Age
The School-Age Program is all about forming lasting friendships.
Unfortunately, the world is not as safe as it used to be, which is why it is important to find a safe and welcoming place for your child before and after school. Little Red Schoolhouse ensures that your child safely gets on and off the bus before and after school each day. We provide your child with a healthy snack and beverage to give them energy to complete the day. After a long day of school, they are able to find a quiet table for working on homework (and receive assistance, if needed), there are opportunities to choose fun activities to work on while socializing with friends, or just relax while reading a book to unwind.
Little Red Schoolhouse also provides fun-filled activities for your child during all days off of schcool, in addition to an exciting, and ever-expanding summer program. Wild, Wacky (and educational) are words that describe Little Red Schoolhouse’s Super Summer Adventure Program. The summer is spent playing, socializing, and learning through various field trips, daily activities and guest speakers. Hands-on learning is an integral part of our fantastic summer program. Be sure to check out our summer calendars to get a glimpse of our wonderful program.

“The staff at LRS has been exceptional in meeting the needs of my children. They have been able to provide the learning and activities needed for my son’s unquenchable desire for knowledge and my daughter’s need for activity. I recommend them to anyone looking for a quality provider.”
Gibson and Clara’s mom